If success, you can find all miniSIPServer's files at directory "/opt/sipserver/". In “mss_v38_pi_u20.deb” directory, please run following command to install miniSIPServer: sudo dpkg -install mss_v38_pi_u20.deb It is assumed to install "20 clients" version whose file name is "mss_v38_pi_u20.deb". Please pay attention that you MUST download miniSIPServer for Raspberry Pi. Please visit our website to download miniSIPServer. We can get and install them from Raspberry Pi official software library by using following "apt-get" command: sudo apt-get install gcc g++ qtbase5-dev 3.2 Download miniSIPServer MMS/SMS goes through the app, and calls go through the native dialer.First, please make sure that both your Raspberry Pi and network are ok now. Once I was logged into it I turned all of its permissions back on. I'm guessing it couldn't detect my FreedomPop SIM or number, so it allowed me to log in with my username and password. I then force-closed it, cleared its app data, then re-opened it.

Since I'm using CyanogenMod/LineageOS right now, I simply blocked all of its permissions. On start, it will detect your account, tell you that you're using the wrong app, and close. I'm using the stand-alone app for text messaging now.

The built-in dialer app can even make calls over WiFi when there is no cellular signal. This lets you send & receive phone calls using the built-in dialer app, without needing to keep the FreedomPop Messaging app installed. Load the FreedomPop Messages app, have it sync your account data, and then extract the necessary information from one of its database files (that is the part that requires root). To get your SIP login name and password, you're going to need access to a rooted device. I've seen it explained before, but I never realized how much it would make FreedomPop feel like a "real" service until got it working though the built-in dialer.